Sunday 22 May 2011

Story Board

I have designed a story board for 'The Wild Swans.' This is a fairy tale written by Hans Christian Anderson in 1838 for the South Denmark University.

I have used a black and white theme for the storyboard because it is an age old fairy tale and this gives a classical feel to the story. But it can be easily adapted for colour as well.

I have used 6 shots for the story board and I will explain each of them. I have created them using Adobe Fireworks.

Board 1

This is my opening screen for the movie. I have used the concept used in Metrocolor Cartoon and designed it according my ideas. The image was designed and images were used as a film reel.

Board 2
The next screen will include the story title and the images of the swans to convey the idea of the main characters of the fairy tale. A gradient was used for the background. The same image was used on both end once inverted. This screen will appear in parts;
1. The background will fade in while the earlier screen fades out.
2. The swans will appear in different directions and stop where they are in this image.
3. Finally the text will become bigger from the center.

Board 3
This screen as you can see has Hans Christian Anderson which is put up in respect for him. This will not be animated as some people might take offense to it. But the text will be 2 seconds delayed from the rest of the screen. The background colour on this is derived from the original picture I obtained.  

Board 4
This screen will include the cast or the voices of the characters. They will appear from top down once at a time. I have used a black boarder to coincide with my black and white theme.

Board 5
This is the page for the directors credit. I have used a slate board to emphasize the fact this is about the directors.The slate boards will spin in to the screen and the director names will fade in following them. I have used a gradient back again to emphasize by black and white theme.

Board 6
This is credit to the screen play writers. Even thou Hans Christian Anderson wrote the fairy tale it has be written to suit modern motion picture technology which is done by screen play writers this is credit to them. The animation for this screen will be the same as it was for the previous scree. The only difference is the background gradient which is waves, it is to give the feeling of writers as they need to have a flow like waves.

That is my opening credits for the motion picture "The Wild Swans" a fairy tale by Hans Christian Anderson.
Hope it will like as much as the tale it self.


This is a advertisement done for a fruit juice bottle. I have used a many images and effects from Photoshop to arrive at this final design.

I have a number of images for this process.
  • A fruit Juice Bottle
    • This was with a different back ground which i removed using the pen tool.
    • I have also added an outer glow to the image
    • Also the edges have been burned
  • Three back ground images
    • All of which i have changed to screen mode to give a transparency effect.
  • Four fruit images
    • All of them had white backgrounds which I have traced out using the pen tool. 
Other than that I drew the rainbow, the bubbles and the base in Photoshop.

I had to use various different layers in PS to create the this image. Below are the arrangement of the layers.

Hope you liked my fruit juice advertising.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Rubbish Font

This is blog on how rubbish can be used to create a font. I have used stationary equipment to create my rubbish. I have used 3 pens, a pencil, a marker and a 6 inch ruler to create my fonts. Below is the font words I created.

I arranged the pens and took the picture using my phone and the background was removed using Adobe Fireworks. Then I imported the .png files in to Adobe Photoshop and was arranged to spell "Rubbish Font."
Also I have added a gradient background to give a artistic effect to the final image. Below shown is the layers of Adobe Photoshop of the final creation. 
All the letters are in different layers as they were imported as different images. That us all on Rubbish fonts.

Sunday 8 May 2011

An Illustration with a Social Consience

This will be an Illustration on how we should look after out planet. The first poster is trying to convey the message to avoid global warming.

This was done on Photoshop using a globe downloaded from Google images. The rubber stamp style text was created using Fireworks while the fire at the bottom was created in Photoshop it self. The layers of the Photoshop layout is as below.

The next image is simple trying to let people know that we are losing our forests and to avoid the planet fade away! There are two images used in the Illustration which were taken by me. The green was taken in 2008 in Deniyaya, Sri-Lanak and the next one was take in 2009 Melbourne, Australia.

The layers for this Illustration is below.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Retro Effect

This is how we can create a retro effect using Apple Motion and Adobe Photoshop. Below is the retro video I have created.

I have used the video 'Bottles Installation 01' and added the background I made using photoshop. Below shown is the layer placing in motion.

The back ground used was created in photoshop as i said above. And the photoshop layer layout is as following.

As you can see the layers in the photoshop has been imported in to motion as well. This has given the possibility of giving different effects to different layers. That is how the text was animated.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Line is a Dot that went for a Walk

Paul Klee first used the line concept to interpret human emotions. I have tried to express the emotion confused on this animation. People can be very agitated when they are confused until they can figure out what they can do about the situation. Check the video out first.

I have used a circle to emphasize the confused dot which runs around the screen until it gets an idea what to do. The bulb shows the fact that it has come to a conclusion. The bulb was created using Adobe Fireworks. And then it becomes a line which walks to the right of the screen and then comes out in a different colour and then walks away from the bottom left of the screen.

This done simply using Adobe Photoshop.

The circle and the line are two simple objects and the bulb is an imported image. Below shown are the formation of the layers.

The animation was also done in Photoshop using timeline animation. Below is the timeline of this animation.

That is about it. Hope you are not as confused like the dot after reading this.

Sunday 10 April 2011

Illustrator Heart

This blog is about the use of vectors in Adobe Illustrator. The below shown heart shape was created using vector graphics.

Three circles and three lines were used to create this objects. Also the pathfinder tool was used on this.

This is an images of the first use of the pathfinder tool. The divide option was first used in order to remove the excess vector sections of the object.
This is the merge too which is used to merge all the shapes at the end in to one object.

Also a generic gradient has been used to colour the object.